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Dysfunctional Fascia and How We Correct It

In today's blog post, we're going to delve into the topic of Fascia. Contrary to mainstream beliefs, fascia isn't just trigger points, meridian lines and "tight muscles," but a fully integrative network that's all tightly woven and interconnected. What are the basic facts and what does it feel/look like when it gets all out of whack?

What do We Know about Fascia? Here's some basic bullet point cliff notes on what fascia is and what it does:

* Fascia is a continuous 3D network that is tightly woven throughout the whole body

* Primarily constructed of collagen, elastin and gel-like "Ground substance"

* Acts as a "shock absorber" through the ground substance

* Fascia needs to be hydrated to provide optimal cushioning and elasticity

* Fascia only present when we're alive and dissolves soon after death

* Fascia responds to pressure, but can't be condensed

* Supports Skeleton and organs

* Can be impacted negatively by trauma, inflammation, adverse use and posture imbalances

Dysfunctional Fascia

How does dysfunctional fascia present itself? Is it just tight trigger points and soreness? Or

are those just the surface symptoms that manifest. Lets simplify it all. You're not going to see

these issues pop up on an X-Ray, MRI, CT-scan or EKG scan. Start from the outside in, and see what passes the eyeball test. The skeleton will get pulled out of alignment from the fascia adhesing to its own fibers, adjusting to "the new normal" of any postural misalignment. You can have a rotated pelvis, a forward shoulder, and a "hiked hip" and it can lead to tighnesses present in both the Quadratus Lumborum and Psoas. These imbalances condense lymph nodes, organs, blood vessels and nerves, harbor toxins and inhibit nutrient

exchange within the cells. The Ground substance, normally good for shock absorption, can impact the body's temperature regulation, body awareness and movement when the fascial network isn't as loose or hydrated. It isn't all physical either. Our body's physiology and psychology are vastly intertwined on so many levels. Emotions that get repressed and held away from our own awareness can manifest itself in fascial dysfunction and "tightness." For instance, personal stress can be held in the shoulders/traps. By taking steps to get ourselves back into alignment, not only can our bodies move more efficiently, they can operate easier and our emotional state can become significantly more grounded.

How do we re-align our posture?

Posture re-alignment on the most basic sense is a function of two elements: strengthening weak muscles and loosening up the tight muscles. If our shoulders are pulled forward, it can come from a number of factors. Typing and being hunched over, especially in the Zoom world we find ourselves all COVID-locked down in can make our pecs tight. This pulled forward posture can loosen up the muscles of retraction: traps, rhomboids, etc. We'd have to work then, on shoulder blade retraction and finding ways to loosen up the pectorals, serratus anterior and other muscles that pull us forward. And what are the best ways in which we can accomplish that? Fine point precise pressure through Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching, fine point Myo-fascial Release, the "cross-hand" technique, and the hands of a licensed professional. This blog post would not be complete without a shameless plug. One of Kensington's finest Massage Therapists is here to drop some Pearls of Wisdom for your fine Sunday. Nora Fantry from Brooklyn with the following facts:

"The most important thing in releasing taught areas of fascia is a good steady breath. When you stretch to target tight fascia without breathing, there can be no release. Breathing consciously and profoundly will help to relax your nervous system, and the targeted area will be able to unclench. Try this: Breathe in to the belly through the nose for 4 counts, hold for a moment at the top and then push all the air out of the belly through a pursed lip for a count of 8. Now try this breathing cycle next time you are stretching. Its guaranteed to improve your release."

Go check her out at or on her IG handle: @fantryn111.

Contact me and follow this page for some complimentary mobility workouts that can help with posture realignment and Nora Fantry for some good

old fashioned Myofascial release.

~ Harrison

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