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Big 4 Of Mental Toughness: Stimulus Control

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

"I am the Master of My fate. I am the Captain of my Soul." ~ William Ernest Henley

Today on the big 4 of Mental Toughness, we’re talking about stimulus control. We can only control the controllable and these 4 tenants all fall under that umbrella of ownership.

As we’ve talked about, our physiology and our psychology are intertwined. How we think effects how our body responds. Often overlooked, is how much the reverse is within our power. Look at yourself now: how is your breathing? Unconsciously? Your mood state? Demeanor? Sub-conscious dialogue?

Now take a moment, inhale slowly through your nose to a three count. Now exhale slowly, same three counts. When a thought asides your breathing pattern emerges, acknowledge and redirect, right back to your activity. Take about 3-5 minutes.

How do you feel? That present moment hits a little different when you cut everything else out. Your parasympathetic system activates from you taking conscious control of your breathing. From there? Bliss. Calm. Presence. Awareness. That ability never leaves you.

That person who cuts you off in traffic? That jerk you can’t stand at work who you wanna pop off on? That exhaustion at the end of a hard sprint? That rush to hit a deadline and the fear/anxiety coming with it? Take a deep breath. Slow it down.

The power always lies in you, and when you hold continual power of your domain: you choose your response, no matter the hardship. COVID, Job, relationships, exercise, or anything in between, life will test you. Pass it every time by submitting to the one moment you have and the one opportunity to dictate your response to it.

Unflappability is the prerequisite to self-control

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